The Journey To Recovery

Dr. Cleverly uses the 7 Bridges method to help Clients to Reach their Goals

What Is The 7 Bridges Journey?

The 7 Bridges journey is a self-recovery journey where you are guided to successfully move forward in life.

There are obstacles that we need to cross over to get to where we want to go …

On the other side of troubled waters is peace of mind and success.

The obstacles might be physical, mental or emotional. 

As driven people,  building healthy relationships (at work & home) can be a challenge.

We need to clarify our WHY to increase our odds of success in all areas of life.

You will gain effective tools and insights to tackle all the hurdles skillfully.

This is a journey of specialized education and transformation for the long-term!

Brain Scan, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

Bridge Number One:

Your Physical Brain

What is your brain type? You are your brain. Do you know what it needs? Do you have a perceptive, analytical brain? Are you compulsive / impulsive or ADD?  Have you been ‘self medicating’? Did you know that things like addiction can be seen in brain scans for generations making it harder for some to remain sober than others? If you’ve used substances, are you open to giving your brain what it needs in order to heal and repair itself? A quality brain means a quality life! 

Bridge Number Two:

Your Physical Body

What can we do for your body that will drastically increase your mental clarity and control? LOTS. Practice Bio Hacks that put you back in control of your mind and body! Simple changes can bring greater balance and reduce cravings drastically. Gain better health and performance in every way. (Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge)

Man Healthy Nature, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road
Man Overthinks, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

Bridge Number Three:

Your Mind

The brain and the mind are two different things. Each needs to be addressed. I work with those who have keen, overactive (ADD) analytical minds. We are going to get you thinking in a more productive, beneficial way! There are strategies proven to MAKE your mind work optimally for YOU.

Bridge Number Four:

Your Emotions

Emotions happen for a reason.  What are we supposed to do when we have them? Can they HELP us make wise choices? We run from them because no one has given us proper instructions! Processing emotions is a skill that can completely change the way you feel daily. In 5 easy steps, you can deal with emotions and stop running!

Man Overwhelmed At Work, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road
Man Conflicted, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

Bridge Number Five:

Your Inner Conflicts

There are conflicting inner beliefs inside all of us that can sabotage our success. These inner conflicts unresolved bring chaos and dysfunction. When unresolved, we make POOR CHOICES. We can explore limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and develop strategies for overcoming them. 

Bridge Number Six:

Your Relationships

Being successful in dealing with other humans takes skills! Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships? You may want something different but don’t know how to make that happen. We will take a look at  healthy vs unhealthy relationships. Is there sabotage or repeat patterns in your relationship with self or others? You will learn how to create quality relationships both personally and professionally. 

Man Relationship, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road
Man Look Ahead 2, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

Bridge Number Seven:

Goal & Mission Clarification

What are you AIMING for? What do you want your life to look like? What are the answers to the bigger questions of life? We need a WHY.  This is especially true when we are at a crossroads and wondering “what’s the point?”  

Discover the key ingredients to a meaningful life for you personally. Gain peace of mind by having a truthful and logical sense of inner direction.



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