Overcome Obstacles & Struggles

Modern Professional Support That Actually Works for Critical Thinkers with / without Addictions

Who 2 Min 1, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

are you high Achieving yet spinning out of control?

High Achievers can become trapped in a pattern of self sabotage. They need real SOLUTIONS to JUMP off that hamster wheel …

Many personality traits can be used to your advantage with the right tools to make them work for you!

Thinking of going to REHAB?

Have you come to the conclusion that it’s time? You can’t stay on the High Functioning Hamster Wheel?  Ready for a deeper level of help? Familiar with the statistics on relapse but want to beat them? 

Drastically increase your chances of LONG TERM SUCCESS! 

Have a solid PLAN! 

Our Pre/Post Rehab Program is designed with you in mind.

Complete your rehabilitation in a smarter way that leads to maintaining your INVESTMENT in yourself.

Program For U Who 3 Min, Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

This program is for you if -

(Or) is not for you (yet) if -

12 Steps Key , Dr Cleverly | Critical Thinker, Fork In The Road

A Key to Success -
This is not your Grandpa's 12 Step Program!

The statistics for Rehab Failure or Fall Out are alarming. Many who enter rehab will not even stay long enough to complete their detox. Those who stay still have a high chance of relapse in the 90 days following. One of the obstacles is an outdated model that is still being taught today. 

We take a more logical, modern approach to the 12 steps that is non religious.

You get to decide what the term “Higher Power” means to you. 

This could be an Inner Director that you can relate to verses being told that you have to surrender all control to a force that you do not understand nor relate to.

Keep your point of power and succeed at recovery! 


My ‘No Judgement’ Policy will put you at ease. 

Take Your First Steps Today!

Fill Out The Form Below To Apply To Work With Me